


Departing Faculty: Dr. Kelly Tracy, Upper School Science

Departing Faculty: Dr. Kelly Tracy, Upper School Science

Riverdale Review: “What is your role in the Riverdale community?”

Dr. Kelly Tracy: “Currently, I teach Science: biology, chemistry, and psychology. And up until a couple of years ago, I was the Science Department Chair for a while.”

RR: “How long have you been at Riverdale?”

KT: “This is my ninth year.”

RR: “What is your favorite memory from your years at Riverdale?”

KT: “It’s hard to come up with a favorite memory. But in the nine years I’ve been here, I met my spouse and got married which was somewhat of a Riverdale affair since we both work here. And both of our kids have been born and they both went to the ITC, the daycare here. So a lot of memories of my own personal growth and experience have been part of my experience at Riverdale.”

Departing Faculty: Ms. Susan Polise, Coordinator of Community Outreach and Upper School Language

Departing Faculty: Ms. Susan Polise, Coordinator of Community Outreach and Upper School Language

Departing Faculty: Ms. Miriam Piña, Director of Global Studies

Departing Faculty: Ms. Miriam Piña, Director of Global Studies