


Departing Faculty: Mr. Jason Gold, Consulting Psychologist

Departing Faculty: Mr. Jason Gold, Consulting Psychologist

Riverdale Review: “What has been your favorite memory from your years at Riverdale?”

Mr. Jason Gold: “I think my favorite memory was getting a note from a student, somebody who I had met while they were still a student here, but they had graduated and they sent a note with appreciation with some of the work we had done and thinking about that as they had gone on to college.”

RR: “What is something you hope students you have interacted with will remember you by?”

JG: “I hope they’ll remember that I was interested in them, getting to know who they were, not just focusing on the things they were upset about, but getting to know them as people. And seeing that there was some way that I had a hopefully positive impact on their lives.”

Departing Faculty: Ms. Jackie Perreira-Skillman, Upper School Adminstrative Assistant

Departing Faculty: Ms. Jackie Perreira-Skillman, Upper School Adminstrative Assistant

Departing Faculty: Ms. Susan Polise, Coordinator of Community Outreach and Upper School Language

Departing Faculty: Ms. Susan Polise, Coordinator of Community Outreach and Upper School Language