


Departing Faculty: Ms. Maria Rosario, Parent Database and In-School Testing Coordinator

Departing Faculty: Ms. Maria Rosario, Parent Database and In-School Testing Coordinator

Riverdale Review: “What is one thing you hope the students you have interacted with remember you by?”

Ms. Maria Rosario: “Just keeping a quiet place so that when the campus is huge there are no places for them to study, which is why I started the silent study hall. Because they used to go to the library, and they would come down to my office, and they said ‘Ms. Rosario, I can’t study in there it’s so noisy, ‘ so I started the in-school testing center and also the quiet study hall. So, I know they’ll remember me for that because they love coming in there.”

RR: “Do you have any words you would like to leave the RCS community with?”

MR: “I was only supposed to work here for 2 weeks as a temporary position and it winded up to be 30 years, I really love Riverdale.”

A Farewell to Mr. Dominic Randolph

A Farewell to Mr. Dominic Randolph

Calvin Hill’s Return to Riverdale: An Exclusive Interview with The Riverdale Review

Calvin Hill’s Return to Riverdale: An Exclusive Interview with The Riverdale Review