The Riverdale Review

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Welcome New Faculty: M. Florent Réthoré

Riverdale Review: If you could pick a subject to teach that is different from the one you teach now, what would it be and why?

M. Florent Réthoré: I think I would be interested in teaching maybe English, not the language, but the culture. My first major was American Studies and British Politics in history and I kinda changed paths along the way. So, I wouldn’t mind going back to teaching English.

RR: Did you always want to be a teacher? If not, what other profession(s) did you consider pursuing?

FR: I think at first I wanted to be a chef. I still had this passion for English, so I went to college and, again, majored in English, and I was very interested. I went to the UK. I liked it, I liked the culture. I wanted to learn more about it. So then, I pursued a teaching career.

RR: Where do you stand on the new school phone policy?

FR: I think it’s the right call. Let’s just say I don’t think it will hurt anybody to spend less time on your phones.