The Riverdale Review

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A Farewell to Mr. Dominic Randolph

We all know Mr. Dominic Randolph as DAAR, a British-New Jersey native that strolls through campus often in all black. After 16 years as the Head of School at Riverdale, Mr. Randolph is leaving the falcon nest to soar beyond Riverdale’s gates. The Riverdale Review is grateful for Mr. Randolph’s unwavering support and commitment to upholding Riverdale’s values. Beyond mind, character, and community, his emphasis on teamwork, interdisciplinary learning, and a culture of possibility has propelled Riverdale forward as a strong educational institution. In honor of DAAR’s indelible impact on the Riverdale community, The Review interviewed him so he could share some departing words. 

Riverdale Review (RR): ”What were your goals for Riverdale when you joined?”

Mr. Dominic Randolph (DR): “There had been a strong emphasis on the advanced placement program. I think some of the faculty felt that the courses had been constrained, you could only really have AP courses. Given the history of interdisciplinary education at the school, faculty felt they couldn’t be as creative as they’d like to be with the course offerings... The other thing I had heard was, not only, but mainly in the upper school, there was a lack of a sense of balance in the school. People were very stressed... The final thing was when people talked about Riverdale, they talked about we are neither Horace Mann nor Fieldston. It seemed very odd to define oneself negatively in contrast to the other school. It would be great to say no this is what River- dale is, and forget the other schools. That was something that was a big thing when I first came here... I [also] think we have tried to create this sense of a whole person. You come to a class and you are not just an academic machine. We have tried to be flexible with people. The deans are very good at advocating- ing and faculty are good at saying okay fine, we can figure out a way around the issue.”

RR: “What experience has been most memorable for you at Riverdale?”

DR: “One experience is that I came here and in general my view on graduations was pretty negative. In the UK graduations did not exist, not when I went to school... Graduation ceremonies are a symbolic nature of that passage from one part of life to another. I’ve become a bit emotional about that, which is bizarre, I would have never predicted that 16 years ago. I was very skeptical. It’s great to see everyone dressed up. People pay attention during the speeches. The supportive aspect of people at that moment. I’ve been very proud of our community. It is representative of the bigger things going on in people’s lives. It’s also a sign of the journey people go through. It’s really amazing, when you think back to these points in your life, you are forming who you are.”

RR: “What was your greatest accomplishment during your time at Riverdale?”

DR: “The AP exams are metaphoric and symbolic of something, of trusting. It’s great if you have outside examining bodies that give you standards, but the wonderful thing of the creating spirit of the people here, is trusting people here to develop their own courses that are their own invention and done often in groups. To have the faith that they can do that is symbolic of faith in people in general, students, parents, faculty to be entrepreneurial in the school. I think it is really cool that if a student wants to do an activity here, they can develop their own activity... I have also been proud to have the diversity in all sorts of ways increase significantly while I have been here. It has made the school a better learning environment and more reflective of our New York community.”

RR: “What did you enjoy most about working here in your position?”

DR: “In the world of education some places, unfortunately, due to the constraints on budgets and bureaucracy, are limited... It’s amazing to work in a place of so much possibility, maybe we don’t take enough advantage of that possibility sometimes. Everyday coming here I can have an interesting discussion with someone, and maybe that turns into something. If you look back at Frank Hackett and his wife Frances who founded and ran the school as a couple, they always had a sense that they could do really interesting things. That always makes me happy to come here and to be in this space.”

RR: “What has been most challenging?”

DR: “A challenge, but a fun challenge is that this school is like a village and in villages you have all different sorts of humans and different variables every day... And yet at the same time, it is also just amazing being with humans that are unpredictable, eccentric, and do all different things that keep me guessing. It is endlessly challenging and exciting.”

RR: “What hopes do you have for the future head of the school?”

DR: “The decisions made in the 1940, 50s, 70, and 80s have led Riverdale onto a very interesting trajectory and I hope that trajectory will continue. Karie Ostrem is amazing and I have had the pleasure of working with her in the past and I am really happy that she will be taking over the leadership of this school. The teams at this school, whether it’s the students, parent body, or teachers, I have a lot of faith that that trajectory will continue to move. This school has been on this goal that is trying to continuously improve with the notion that we are humble because there are always things to do better. I hope that Riverdale continues to improve as a school community because there are so many talented individuals and groups of people at this school. I hope we can continue to do the great work we are doing.”

RR: “What is one thing that you hope the Riverdale students and faculty will remember about you?”

DR: “I hope that people will always remember that this is such a team effort and it is so team based. This team includes all the staff: the housekeeping team, food service workers, maintenance and grounds team, the security group and the various departments like finance, communications, admissions, athletics, development, and the board of trustees. They are all essential in helping make this school a great place to learn and the dynamic community it is.”

RR “What are your plans going forward?”

DR: “My plans are consciously unplanned. I am looking to have a period of no plans and see what happens. A bunch of things happened that were really cool when there was no plan and I would like that back again. I want to look after my family more and spend time with my father-in-law in France.”

RR: “Any last comments?”

DR: “I think it is special to be a part of something that is bigger than yourself - Riverdale is not just a school. Riverdale has had a big effect on my life and it is a sacred space. I hope people do not lose sight of Riverdale’s uniqueness and also hold on to this special place.”

Expressed in his words here, Mr. Randolph has high expectations for Riverdale and its future. He is confident that Ms. Karena (Kari) Ostrem will bring our school to new levels of success. Riverdale could not be more thankful for his leadership and guidance over the past 16 years.

Faculty members were given the opportunity to express their gratitude for Mr. Randolph, especially for his encouragement and trust in their innovative teaching approaches. Eight faculty members, ranging from the Arts to Language departments, share:

Mr. Jason Ruff:

“When the artist David Shrigley was asked what he considered his greatest achievement, he answered with “Not having to have a proper job”... congratulations on unlocking your greatest achievement.”

Ms. Maggie Barrett:

“It has been such a pleasure to not only attend Riverdale while you held the role of Head of School but to be colleagues...I have so appreciated what you have done for Riverdale throughout my life. I wish you the best luck and happiest of times in your next chapter.”

Mr. Gasper Epstein:

“Thank you for your amazing leadership and service to the entire community. You have always put the school first and have done so with style, grace, and good humor! #Duck- Rabbbit4life”

Ms. Lisa Verrastro:

“Dominic, over the years, I’ve always appreciated the way in which you’ve led us down new paths as well as encouraged us to openly explore. You’ve pushed us to clarify our identity as a living and breathing institution and it is this identity that has been called on to act as our compass as we navigated the ever-changing terrain. Thank you!”

Mr. Kent Khildal:

“DAAR, in your next life phase, how about trying ONLY white clothes every day? That would be a cool change.”

Ms. Rachel Klein:

“Dear DAAR, you will be sorely missed at Riverdale! We will miss your sense of humor, never-ending support and forward thinking. Best wishes in your next adventure!”

Dr. Cristián Baidal:

“Bon vent et bonne continuation cher Dom- inic! Vous allez beaucoup nous manquer par ici. Et un grand merci d’avoir été notre capitaine, de nous avoir toujours indiqué le bon nord, de nous avoir amené à bon port. Gracias totales”

Mr. John Pizzi:

“Thank you for modeling how to be a leader, how to have care for others, how to cultivate community, and for modeling character. You have helped me grow and develop as an administrator, but more importantly, as a person. I am forever grateful. Wishing you the best in a well-deserved retirement chapter.”